Retrospective page include works with repousse  technique and sculptures made with steel fabrication, glass enamel and other metal smithing techniques. Repousse sculpture is made with ancient style tools, embossing the metal on a soft surface using small hammers and hand made punches to create relief sculpture. Working the metal directly to create relief sculptures without molds, there are endless design possibilities for relief sculptures in copper, silver or brass. With emphasis on using your inspirational ideas, there are endless design possibilities for relief sculptures in copper, silver or brass. The design is first chased onto the metal from the front, then its embossed from the back (repousse) using special hand tools. These steps are alternated until the design is fully completed.

Making art expresses my philosophy of how I have seen life. It is a fundamental evolution, an internal movement towards the understanding of the world and myself. I create what intrigues me through the aesthetics of form and space and draw inspiration from history, mythologies, folktales, real life and philosophy. Following up my intuition, I explore the potential inspiration first with pencil, rendering many visual possibilities. All of my work is fabricated in my studio, saturating the process and pushing its limits open to the exploration of other possibilities. It is an important role involving every step of the process; a crucial vehicle that permits me as an artist to enter into the manifestation of the work and it’s message. I collect discarded material and use it in my art work. Recycling is not a matter of choice, it is demanded by concern for that world which will be passed on to the forthcoming generations. Philosophically speaking, my work examines the relationship between past, present and future, with a message “Who are we? Where are we going?”

Glass enamel on copper and silver